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Ji'nan Heng Xu Test Machine Technology Co., Ltd.

Heng Xu pays attention to standard GB/T228.1-2010 to improve progress

Author:admin      Created:2018-06-29      Views:1183

The recent "full automatic test technology summit" is launched around the "GB/T 228.1-2010" the first part of the tensile test of metal materials: the discussion of the problems in the practice and the practical application of the room temperature test method, "the new standard of the test method for the drop weight tear test of GB/T 8363 ferritic steel" and so on.

The Chinese instrument and Instrument Association Test Machine Branch, the national steel standard committee's mechanical and technological performance test sub committee, the iron and Steel Research Institute, the Bao Wu group, the Shougang Group, Anshan Iron and steel, Ma Steel and other major steel metallurgical industries, as well as the leading experts of the quality inspection and construction departments at various levels, have taken out the forum. Dr. Zhang Shenghai, the model evaluation and testing department of the material test of Wuxi metrology and testing institute, and the meeting leaders and experts face to face, discuss the problems encountered in the test, and discuss the development direction of the test technology.

In recent years, the model evaluation and testing department of material test in Wuxi Metrology Institute has been working on improving the standards and standards of material testing machines, improving the technical level and product quality of the material testing machine, and striving to lead the direction of the development of the material testing machine. We have achieved breakthroughs in local regulations, industry standards and national standards. As the main drafting units, we have participated in the drafting and revision of the 7 standards. It has provided many enterprises with good reputation for providing many types of service such as type evaluation, full performance testing, calibration and calibration for many test machine enterprises all over the country.

Ji'nan Heng Xu Test Machine Technology Co., Ltd., as a professional manufacturer of universal testing machine, pays close attention to the sound and perfect process of all kinds of standards, in order to produce more suitable testing equipment and contribute to the testing industry.

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