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Ji'nan Heng Xu Test Machine Technology Co., Ltd.

China Academy of Railway Sciences

Author:admin      Created:2017-08-18      Views:681


It is the only multi-disciplinary, multi disciplinary comprehensive research institution of China Railway. It has developed into a large technology enterprise integrating science and technology innovation, technology service, achievement transformation, consulting supervision, testing and certification, and personnel training.

China Academy of Railway Sciences was founded in 1950, and began to transform from institution to enterprise in 2000. In 2007, it was renamed the Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences.

According to the December 2016 official website of the Chinese Academy of iron science, there are more than 5800 workers in the Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences. Under the 17 units, there are 5 state-level laboratories equipped with over 40 specialized laboratories. The iron academy is a member of the international railway Alliance (UIC) and a Chinese counterpart of the International Standardization Organization (ISO) railway application technology committee.

According to the official website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in December 2016, China Railway Scientific Research Institute has 32 wholly owned companies and 7 holding companies, and 4 high-tech achievements transformation bases have been built. He has made more than 3300 scientific research achievements, and has won 825 awards for all kinds of scientific and technological achievements, including 176 National Science and technology awards and 649 provincial and ministerial level science and technology awards.

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