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Ji'nan Heng Xu Test Machine Technology Co., Ltd.

Operation attention thumbnail of electronic universal testing machine

Author:admin      Created:2017-08-18      Views:1047

The operation of electronic universal testing machine is very simple. Users are not familiar with it, and there will be various problems.

1. the ends of the ends are placed in the right position, which is the maximum movement of the beam to ensure safety.

2. when the beam moves a lot, the speed can be fast, the amount of movement is slow, and the speed is slow.

3. the test speed should be set according to the requirements of specific materials.

4. some fixtures may need to observe whether the clamping is sliding during the test. If there is sliding, it is necessary to tighten the clamp.

5. no more zeroing on the load after the test starts.

6. install the extensometer, pay attention to the withdrawal of the positioning pin and then adjust the zero. When picking up the extension time, pay attention to insert the positioning pin, avoid the extensometer because of overload and damage.

7. if the sample is broken, if the program does not quit the experimental condition and indicates that the experiment is finished, it must immediately click the stop button to withdraw from the experimental state.

8. after the test, there is no automatic return.


The data of electronic universal testing machine are detailed in Ji'nan Heng Xu Testing Machine Technology Co., Ltd.

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